Revised July 1, 2024

Please read and ensure you understand the following Community Guidelines for use of any and all communities or social media pages managed or administered by Digital Incubator Services Limited dba Affiliate Institute (“Ai” “us” or the “Company”), including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, SnapChat, TikTok or Ai Systems (“Community” or “Communities”) which apply when accessing, viewing or participating in the Community. For the purpose of these Community Guidelines, “You” refers to any user or member of our Communities.

Ai’s goal with its Communities is to provide a platform for support and communication for its users. We strive to keep these Communities a safe place to get and share advice, inspiration, encouragement and be part of a community of like-minded digital marketers, platform users, product owners and business operators, as relevant. As part of our efforts to foster a safe environment, we have implemented the following Community Guidelines and usage expectations for all who access, view or participate:


Please note that Ai has a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior. Abusive, inappropriate, discriminatory, defamatory, obscene, or harassing behavior toward Ai team members and Community participants will not be tolerated in any form. Any behavior deemed inappropriate may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to being blocked or restricted from the Community(ies), being blocked or restricted from communicating within the Community(ies) or to team members or Community members, or other actions necessary to ensure the safety, comfort, and respect of all Ai team members and Communities.

While healthy debate and disagreement can be constructive, we ask that if you are engaged in a debate or disagreement that you do so respectfully and factually. If you speak negatively about a competitor’s business in any way, do not disparage the competitor beyond stating facts to make your point. The key to a great Community is an engaging and inclusive space where anyone can learn and grow. In essence, be respectful all around.


One goal of Ai’s Communities is to provide users with a safe place to access and provide advice, feedback, inspiration, encouragement and share their journey. Please refrain from sharing outside posts or links into our Communities. We encourage you to share content that you have created yourself or own the IP rights to share.


Ai does not permit cross-promotion or the use of its Communities for lead generation or solicitation, and we take swift disciplinary action when a user or member (directly or indirectly) is found to violate this guideline, including but not limited to being blocked or restricted from the Community(ies), being blocked or restricted from communicating within the Community(ies) or other actions necessary to protect our users and restrict actions that violate our Community Guidelines.

No visitor or member of the Communities, either directly or indirectly, is permitted to use information in any way obtained or accessed through or contained within the Communities to contact, target, offer services, sell products or otherwise solicit Community members or users.

Be advised that falsely representing yourself, your relationship with Ai, including any impersonation of Ai, or anyone affiliated with Ai will result in immediate removal from the Community, and may result in legal action. All Community Users acknowledge and agree that violation of this rule creates harm to Ai which may be inherently difficult to quantify and value. Accordingly, you agree that you will pay Ai liquidated damages of $10,000 USD per occurrence for any violation of this rule. You agree that this relief constitutes a fair and reasonable approximation of the damages caused by your conduct. You agree that Ai has the right to determine what constitutes an “occurrence” and that, if it so chooses, Ai may alternatively elect to pursue damages in an amount to be determined at any trial or hearing on this matter. You also agree that this liquidated damages provision does not preclude Ai from seeking injunctive relief, if it deems necessary, and that the payment of these liquidated damages will not prevent Ai from sustaining irreparable harm.


Use discretion when sharing. While Ai encourages its users and members to share their experiences, we also encourage you to use discretion. You are under no obligation to provide any personal information in a public Community (not including personal identifying information that Ai may require you to share in order to validate your membership or provide access to such forums). You are also under no obligation to provide information about any results. Ai will not require you to disclose your income or business results under any circumstance.

Respect Privacy in the Communities. Participating in Ai’s Communities requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make Communities great, but may also contain sensitive and private information. What is shared in the Community must stay in the Community; no user or member may share or disseminate information obtained in the Community without proper consent. Similarly, do not cite or refer to or reveal personal or identifying information of other users, customers, vendors, affiliates or associates in the Community without their consent and do not discuss or conduct business with other users, customers, vendors, affiliates or associates in an open forum.


Community users or members who are contacted through direct private or group message by someone in the Community (or perhaps with connections to sources in the Community) who is attempting to offer or sell third party products or services should immediately report such information to a Group Admin or so we can address the issue and remove the offending party. Ai welcomes screenshots or chat logs in these instances!

Scammers and imposter profiles are prevalent. If you cannot validate that a message is from Ai or an authorized representative of Ai with our support team, any such message is not endorsed by Ai and is likely to be spam or a scam. We will not DM you through any third-party channels (whether they appear to be Ai or a member of our team) to invest, endorse a product, or sell you a service. We do not endorse any other member of our Community to do so either. We recommend that our Community members be prudent when sharing information and, when in doubt, reach out to with any questions or to validate any such messages you receive prior to responding.

Please also be advised that as a user or member of our Communities, you may not block a group admin or moderator; doing so may result in your removal from the Community(ies).


Our Communities are intended to be a welcome space for intelligent, respectful discussions, thus we expect our users and members to help keep conversations appropriate and to report posts or threads that are problematic or violate our Community Guidelines.


Conversations in Ai Communities cover a variety of topics, but users or members making posts or comments that are off-target may have their post(s) removed in order to keep discussions relevant and on track. We understand this can be subjective, so we leave it up to our Admins and Moderators to make these determinations. This includes posts on religion, politics, current events or other potentially polarizing posts. These determinations in no way reflect Ai’s beliefs, and are solely based upon our goal of respecting the views of all our members and ensuring a safe space for everyone.


Users or members of Ai’s Communities may share such as your personal game plan, business plan, website details, content, marketing and advertising or other related materials in order to solicit feedback from Ai’s team and Community members. Be advised that the intention of sharing such information must be solely for the purpose of soliciting feedback and is NOT for the promotion of products, services or business. We understand this may be subjective, so Ai, in its sole and absolute discretion, may provide warnings to users or members of the Community or ask them to remove posts if communications seem geared toward the solicitation of leads as opposed to the solicitation of feedback.


Community members are often encouraged to share their experiences and “wins”. When doing so, Ai requires that you only share your own results (not those of others). We understand that, from time to time, such experiences or “wins” may contain results or income claims – as such, we require that such posts contain truthful information that is able to be substantiated, and is only shared in a way that it provides value to other Community members.


Your acceptance to any Ai Community is based upon individual selection after careful review by Ai’s Administrators, and is dependent on the community group parameters and criteria. Ai does not allow participants to reassign their place, rights, or obligations to any third party. While we appreciate members bringing their friends, family or business partners to Ai, sharing login credentials is prohibited. Only members that have been approved and received login credentials are allowed to participate in Communities.



Please be sure to address any inquires through the appropriate channel for resolution. The Communities are not intended to be an extension of/replacement for Ai’s Support Team. If you have a support issue or inquiry, feedback on an Ai product, service or policy, affiliate question, commission inquiry or require technical support, please direct your inquiry to for assistance. We will not offer support on your account through the Community, and such posts may be removed.


Community members should be advised that information posted within our Communities is considered public pursuant to Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Similar terms apply to posts on Instagram or other internal or third-party platforms that Ai may use to host its Communities. By agreeing to these Guidelines you give permission to Ai to use any content you posted publicly in this group for marketing purposes across its social media platforms, websites and other marketing channels. Ai will not publish your personal information without your express consent. 


Do not expose yourself to legal risk by accessing or utilizing our Communities in violations of our Terms of Use and Community Guidelines. Please also be sure to review any Terms posted on any third party platforms where such Communities may be hosted (such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn) to ensure your use complies with their rules. Pay particular attention to any terms relating to:

  • Prohibitions or restrictions on the use of social media sites, including prohibitions or restrictions on use for advertising, marketing and promotions, or other commercial purposes;
  • Ownership of intellectual property used on, or information collected or generated through, use of the site;
  • Requirements for licenses or other permissions allowing use by the site owner and other third parties of the Company’s trademarks or other intellectual property;
  • Privacy rights and responsibilities of the site owners or users


Ai takes its Communities and Community Guidelines seriously. Violations of these Community Guidelines in a particular way that could subject Ai to liability may result in disciplinary action by Ai, including but not limited to removal from the Community and legal action where deemed appropriate. Community members who violate Ai’s Terms or Use or these Community Guidelines and are removed from the Community(ies) are not eligible for refunds. We encourage all Community members to adhere to all relevant guidelines and report violations to